When I attend writer or book festivals, I usually return with a few quotable lines from authors, small bits that have resonated with me. The 2015 Tucson Festival of Books…
Author: <span>Donna Janke</span>
As a reader and a writer, I enjoy book, writer and reader festivals. Imagine a two-day FREE festival with more than 350 authors, over 250 exhibitors and a “science city”,…
What do you do with books after you’ve finished reading them? Where do you get books? A book exchange party offers an opportunity to dispose of books you’re finished with…
Freedom to Read Week occurs annually at the end of February. The event encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom. Even in a free country…
I recently bought the software package Scrivener. It is a word processing and project management tool for writers touted as “your complete writing studio.” Using it has caused me to…