Summer Reads

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It is now officially summer. School is out and people look forward to vacation time. For some, vacation is already underway.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen ads and articles about summer reading. Long, hot, lazy days and books seem to go together. (Of course, a book also belongs when you’re curled up in front of a fireplace on a cold winter day.) Many of the articles talk about light summer reads. It is now acceptable to read “fluff” and  genre books that aren’t considered to have the same literary merit as other novels. The distinctions often seem snobbish to me. A good read is a good read – be it fast and entertaining, thought provoking, heavy and descriptive, poetic or fantastical.

I’ve always looked forward to reading as part of my holiday time, winter or summer, and have been known to measure the “goodness” of a vacation in terms of the number of books read. People eagerly stock up on light reading for vacations, but we need that so-called light reading just as much if not more in the midst of a stressed work-filled life as a small bit of escape. And summer vacation time may be a good opportunity to finally read that not-so-light book you’ve been longing to get to, but haven’t had the time or attention span to concentrate on.

My personal choices for pure escapist reading are mysteries. I read them year-round, in between other types of books.

What’s on your summer reading list? I wish you much summer reading enjoyment, whatever you choose.


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One Comment

  1. jacquiegum said:

    OIh my gosh, I always have a reading list a mile long! Going anywhere, no matter what time of year. gives me some extra time (if I am flying in particular), to read. Next up for me is “The Life We Bury,” by Eskins 🙂

    July 3, 2015

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