
111 Places in Winnipeg That You Must Not Miss to be published by Emons Verlag in fall 2024

Short Fiction

Blueberry Pie in April 2015 issue of Pilcrow & Dagger

Postcards in Volume 14, Number One of Voices, the literary journal of Lake Winnipeg Writers’ Group

The Scent of Geraniums and Petunias Fill the Air in Curious – The Tourist Guide, May 2014 edition

The Albums in Curious -The Tourist Guide, May 2014 edition

This Place Feels the Same as Always in Curious – The Tourist Guide, August 2013 edition

Non-Fiction and Memoir

Canada’s City of Rye Bread on NUVO

Taking to the Streets (retracing the flashpoints of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike) in the Apr-May 2019 edition of Canada’s History magazine

Contributor to Winnipeg online magazine Local Beat. See articles here.

Panama Snowbird: Not in Arizona Anymore at INSPIRED Senior Living

Oranges, Chickens And The Reason I Signed Up For Spanish Classes at The Expeditioner

The Church Organ in Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas in Canada

Christmas in Canada

Dancing to a Live Band in Curious – The Tourist Guide, June 2014 edition

The Christmas Calendar in Curious – The Tourist Guide, December 2013 edition

Not Just for Children in Curious – The Tourist Guide, October 2013 edition

Book Reviews

Several reviews for the now-defunct Winnipeg Review:
The View from the Lane by Deborah-Anne Tunney
Pilgrimage by Diana Davidson
The Monkey Puzzle Tree by Sonia Tilson

Travel Writing

See Destinations Detours and Dreams Publications page for a listing of published travel articles.
Read additional travel stories on my travel blog Destinations Detours and Dreams.