I didn’t read as many books in 2022 as I did in the previous year, which may have been a record year for the volume of my reading. The lifting…
Donna Janke Posts
The exhibit Behind Racism: Challenging the Way We Think, running from May 31, 2022 to October 16, 2022 at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, looks…
In April, I attended a book launch at a favourite book store, McNally Robinson Booksellers, in my home city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It was the first such event I’d…
A few weeks ago, after 56 years of driving, my husband gave up his driving licence. The nerve damage that had started in his feet and spread up his legs…
With travel curtailed and a significant part of the year spent under lockdown conditions, I read a lot of books in 2021. There were periods throughout the year when all…
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